"Me and My Bird" 2012 Contest Winner - 2nd

"I want to introduce you to my 3 Alexandrian Parrots,Kiki,Saphire and Topaze. Here’s the story of my 3 baby Alexandrian.I adopted Kiki last march and Topaze and Saphire in april 2012. Kiki is a male that was left by himself, he did have a roof and a family but they didn’t want to interact or take care of him. No time they said but they wanted to exchange Kiki for another parrot.Once I saw Kiki for the first time at the private individual, I put my hand on the cage and oh my…......He scream like hell and trying to bite me.I looked at my husband face to try to find out what he thinks about the bird but one look, and I knew that we were bringing home Kiki.We will have to start all over again with Kiki and I was up for the challenge. I had never hear a bird to growl out so hardly and when he cried, that so looked like the sound of a dog crying. It reached me! We are the fourth owner of this beautiful bird. What did he did to deserve that kind of life? Nothing I said, we have to blame the people who thinks that a parrot is a toy. I will never understand those people, their mentality! Beside Kiki had almost all of is feathers flights cut, everything was badly done and very excessive. It took almost 4 months before he can fly and I can see that Kiki is very happy now with the situation. And when I saw the length of the claws……IT can’t be!!Real knives, for real, it hurts a lot. At least, it doesn’t bother him at all. The veterinary technician was able to only cut,eaven not 1mm witch that left bleeding. Kiki food was constituted of only sunflowers seed, white groundnuts, fruits and vegetable. Nothing nourishing inside that!!Nevertheless, Kiki upon his arrival had beautiful feathers and he still have. I changed his hole diet and it wasn’t easy at the beginning but we made it.Now Kiki is a very healthy boy. And with all that, for sure he didn’t want us to approach him. And with this big and thickness beak, it doesn’t feels good and it hurts a lot. It took time before Kiki can rely on us. I can understand him as we are the fourth people to adopt him, so is reaction is normal. I left him the time to get acquainted with the house, his new cage,toys,ourselves and in our family dynamic. A real savage who is now spread, who loves us, who always wants to be on our shoulder to give kisses, to make big cuddles and to want to interact with the family. Am so proud of Kiki and myself. Kiki is a real recorder, whistles very well and begins to speak. He vocalizes a lot and even too much sometimes but thank god he doesn’t shout like that every day and it doesn’t get on my nerds. Kiki say’s hello quite very good and my daughters our saying that Kiki whistles better than there dad! Funny!!This big boy is only in fact a big ball of love. I love him so much, my baby. A couples of weeks later, we welcomed Saphire & Topaze(sisters) in our home and Kiki accepted them as if they were always a member of our family. Why two females? Well the breeder wanted to sell them absolutely together because they are used to be with each other. The only thing is it, is that the females were very timorous and the prize was more than tempting. I need it to go see by myself the birds and we immediately fell in love with both. Kiki feeds both female with no problem at all. I have a great harmony with my birds. My females do not scream that much compared to Kiki. My 3 Alexandrian loves to take there shower and it is very funny to see them. They are soft, do not bite, gives kisses and much more. My females are more independent but loves to cuddle at they hours. Kiki is very dependent on us so its depends on every individual. My birds are real destroyers, many toys to be destroyed and lots of wood. My birds a very curious and always want to participate in our family dynamic. I won the trust of my birds and it makes me feel so good and want to do much more for them. We learn from them. Am so happy with my 3 Alexandrian parrots,they are all my life with my kids!!Thank you." .. Annick St.A
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