Dash, the Trick Dog Champion papillon

"My name is Dash, and I’m a nearly 2-year old Papillon who loves to run and play with toys. I love every human, every animal, and every toy on earth. Oh, and I know obedience, agility, and over 40 tricks, too. I know so many tricks that I earned my Trick Dog Champion title when I was just over a year old. Mom and I used to live in an Istanbul apartment, but we moved to America this summer so we could have a house with a yard. We love putting on charity trick shows in both countries. We’ve done trick shows to benefit disabled people and to help animal shelters. Besides the trick shows, I have a serious job. I’ve started working in a prison! Well, it’s only part-time and it’s a volunteer job, but I am VERY important. My mom is a volunteer instructor for Occupaws Guide Dog Association in Wisconsin. Occupaws has a new program at Oshkosh Correctional Institution where inmates raise puppies to be future guide dogs. Me and mom are going to the prison to teach the inmates how to train these puppies. I get to be the “demo dog” to demonstrate how to sit, down, stand, come, stay, retrieve, go into my crate, etc. I would love to have a Celltei bag to use at the prison when I’m not showing those Labrador and Standard Poodle puppies how to behave. For the contest, here is a photo collage that mom made of me trying unsuccessfully to catch my orange ball. I’m only 11” tall, but sometimes I try to jump over 3 feet high to catch it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t! Thanks for considering me in the Celltei "Let me tell you about my Pet" Picture Contest 2012!" Sharon Y.
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