Two Papilions traveling in Moroco (1st Prize)

"I bought your orange double-dog backpack four months ago from Joe at the small pet shop on W. 16th Street in Manhattan. I was prepping for a three month stay in the Fes Medina, a walled medieval city in Morocco and was planning to take two Papillions with me to live in a rented house there. Everything was new and daunting -- the languages, the customs, the Muslim attitude toward dogs, the money, the very strange old city where there were no cars. And my second Papillion, Lita, had only been with me for a month. She was a retired show girl, having won her championship and whelped several litters before coming to retire with me. Lita joined my sweetheart, Becket, a tri-colored younger male from the same breeder. My biggest concern? How was I going to deal -- all by myself, a middle-aged woman -- with luggage and two dogs in a car-less city? Your Celltei backpack could not have been more perfect. I swear I knew a woman designed it once I realized that it held firmly at both the waist and chest and had a multitude of compartments, inside and outside the bag. If the medina was crowded, both dogs went in the backpack and stuck their heads out to sniff the donkeys and be petted by the Fes locals, who had never seen such dogs! Of course, the short leads inside the bag were attached to their collars to prevent them from spilling out or being snatched. I zipped it up and took them into restaurants throughout the medina. And I didn't have to worry that I might be robbed from behind: I just tucked cash into the inner pocket. The size is perfect for two small dogs. Lita is 5.5 lbs and Becket is 7.5 lbs. They didn't know each other very well, but ended up hanging out together through an in-cabin flight of 9 hours and 2 hours, all in one day. It fits under most airline seats well, too, given the flexibility of the framing. A very, very impressive invention! We three thank you. I'd never have made it through the difficult adjustment there without my two dogs." ... Carol R.