My Bird Mikko!

"Mikko is my best friend. He has been since the day I met him. When I adopted him, he bit anyone who came near him. Everyone except for me. Before Mikko came into my life, I was struggling with depression and feeling broken. Mikko made all of that go away, and for once I can truly say that I have someone in my life who I can trust. Life after Mikko came was going great, until a few months ago. I was shocked with news that my father (who I am extremly close to) was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor. He had no symptoms, and the news about his cancer and upcoming surgery left me feeling empty. I started going back to sitting in the dark alone, until one day I heard a whimper from Mikko's sleeping cage. I immediatly took him out and noticed how worried he had become. We cuddled for hours, and he just sat and listened as I told him everything I was scared of. Every night he would lick my tears and when he could tell I was upset he would make his sound for water (because thats what he figured tears were) and then pace on his perch as if to say 'Come on, let's talk'. My bird and I got through that tough time together, and I know he will always be there for me if I ever need a friend! My parrot Mikko comletes me in everyway possible, and I will ALWAYS love him."... Katie R.
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