Charlie, the affectionate Nanday Conure

"This photo was taken on my wedding day by my photographer. I have had Charlie since he was three months old and we have been inseparable ever since. Charlie was a gift from my husband (before we were married) and he quickly decided that my husband was competition and that I was all for him. That was fine until we were married - I knew Charlie's life was going to change when we moved and were all living together. I wanted to make sure that, although he couldn't be present for most of my wedding day, he was part of my pictures since he is always going to be a part of my life. And I have to say, this is one of my favorite pictures from that day. We have since moved into our new house and Charlie loves it - his cage is in an extended part of our living room so he can watch all the action but can go play by himself when he wants. He ALSO loves dancing/singing if anyone is playing Singstar - and will ALWAYS fly over to "help" with the guitar if we are playing Rock Band." Adrienne P. (Photo Credit: Anne Ruthmann Photography
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