The Two Dogs Equally loved by young Jolie

"Let me tell you about my two dogs. I never thought that I would have even one dog, let alone two of them. Since the first day I got Lucy, life was always so simple until Lola came along. My two dogs are totally different because Lucy is sweet, adorable, and innocent compared to Lola who is basically a tomboy because she is mischievous and competes physically with Lucy for attention. The one problem I am having is that they never get alng because of their differences and I find myself breaking up a lot of their fights. I guess I am a referee in this situation, but let's be positive about my doggie duo.
Let's go back in time when I first got Lucy. One morning I discovered a dog on top of me. I wasn't really sure if it was my dog because my mom never agreed to get me a dog. Later one, after about three days, I discovered she was actually my dog. We named her Lucy because my mom thought it was a good name for a dog. I was so proud and excited that I finally had my own dog. But, I still wouldn't stop begging for another dog, even though I was so lucky to have my first ever dog. I was very thankful that I had a companion, a sister to me, and my very own dog. Another sibling was soon to arrive.
One and a half years later Lola came into my life. She is such an amazing dog, but she is very, very mischievous and a naughty dog. However, I now realize that Lucy was also a tiny bit mischievous in the beginning because she did the same things as Lola does now. I think dogs are naughty when they are young. Sometimes when my family and I are not home, we find toilet paper and paper towels ripped up and on the floor. Guess who that must be? You are right, if you think it is Lola. Also, we sometimes see the garbage bag knocked over. Just like kids who follow each other, Lucy trails behind Lola when Lola sneaks into the neighbor's backyard. Lucy is like a popular high scholld child who follows the naughty high school kid, Lola. therefore, if you can picture this, you can see the ways the two dogs act around each other. When we move forward into another month, more trouble arrives. It takes more of my responsibility and assistance to stop their fighting. On-no. there is more trouble to follows.
Let's take a look at some of the damage and mes caused by my one and two lovable dogs. As soon as I come downstairs, I see wee-wee pads ripped, pencils ripped in half and a mess everywhere. And I think to myself, again, 'can this be naughty Lola? Probably, I say because Lucy is a lot more innocent than Lola. You have to say so, Right?'
When Halloween comes, my dogs go trick-or-treating with us in our neighborhood. They look so adorable in their costumes. Once Lucy was a caterpillar and Lola was a cheerleader. Oh, that brings back so many memories. If you saw them you wouldn't believe how cute they were. We also wanted to go trick-or-treating with the dogs in the Hamptions, but we never did it. The disgusting thing about driving out there is that sometimes the dogs puke on my brother and me. Yuck! Isn't that gross. Once when I put fake vomit and poop on the floor, my Grandma actually believed me. That was funny moment in my life.
A cute moment in my life was when Lola stole a sock from the laundry room and Lucy brought it right back. I was extremely proud and amazed that she would do that. Many times Lola has jumped on the table and stolen food from the table and the garbage bag. Next up is Lola's food wheel of fortune. I call this the food wheel of fortune because Lola jumps on the table and with her paw she spins the Lazy Susan to get the food for herslef. She still does it now. Aslo, when Lucy follows my Mom, Lola does too because she is very jealous. so you can see both of my dogs are very different and have different personalities. For your information, I would never trade either dog for a million or more dollars and you know it. But, I will still love them forever.
Now that you know how much my dogs mean to me, I can tell you how I make them extra special in my life. I make them special by prettying them up at the groomer very often. At home I put dresses, barrettes, and necklaces on them to make them very girlie. Also, I make sure they have birthday parties with all the neighborhood dogs attending. They have beauiful bowls from which to eat and a plentiful supply of doggie treats. At their birthday parties we have doggie favors. Each dog has her own special fancy, schmancy bed. Just like a lion is given freedom to run around, our dogs have heir freedom in our back yard, I must mention their play dates, too.
I know that you may have wanted to only hear about one dog, but I cannot just write about one because I love them both equally and they will always be a part of my life just like my family will always be a part of me, too." Jolie L.
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