Sister Cats continuing story of a travel carroer

"In 2001 I adopted my first cat. I named him Chance b/c I was giving him a 2nd chance at life. About two years later, Hawkeye, a Havanese puppy came into our lives. I purchased my first Celltei, a small Pak-o-Pet to carry Hawkeye around. He soon outgrew it so I bought him a large Pak-o-Pet, the small became a hang-out for Chance. Fast forward 10 years and my darling Chance succumb to illness and passed-away at the young age of 12. I wasn't sure I could handle going through that again. Three months later I found myself driving north 2 hours to adopt 2 kittens from a kitten rescue organization. I took with me the small Pak-o-Pet. Into this small bag went these two kittens, one about 6 months old and very shy (Sammy,) the other about 10 months old and a true love bug if I've ever met one (Reena.) The older had adopted the younger and had taken on a motherly roll at the orphanage. Fast forward 1 more year, Sammy & Reena are true sisters. In this photo, you can see they often share a bed, keep each other warm, and entertain each other. A few minutes before I took this photo I had taken out another bag and both were unhappy. But when I brought their large Pak-o-Pet into the living room, both were relaxed and ready to get in and share that relatively small area with each other. Not one second was given to how my shoulder and back would feel carrying two adult cats (combined 25+ pounds) around in one bag. But those are the sacrifices we make for our loved ones. BTW, Hawkeye long outgrew even the large Pak-oPet. Sure he can fit in there, but can't stand up or even turn around anymore. So he get's a bit more freedom while travelling than do Sammy & Reena." .. Marc S.
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