Pepe, a Beautiful Golden Yellow Crowned Amazon

Pepe, a Beautiful Golden Yellow Crowned Amazon Parrot
"Hi Everyone! I'm Pepe, a Beautiful Golden Yellow Crowned Amazon Parrot. I like to whistle, sing and dance all day long! I like playing with all of my toys and I Absolutely Love to Eat! My Favorites are Homemade Flour Tortillas and Corn Bread that My Mommy Alexandria makes Me. I really like to hang from the top of the inside of my cage by a single nail, that totally freaks out My Mommy and Daddy but I get a kick out of being So Silly sometimes. My Mommy and Daddy Spoil Me so much and I feel that I'm the Luckiest Bird in the Whole Wide World!!! .. Pepe
This is "Pepe", our Beautiful Yellow Golden Crowned Amazon Parrot, which I inherited from my Mother-In-Law Apolonia A. in Sept. 2009. Pepe has truly been a Great Joy and Blessing in our lives and a wonderful addition to our home. Not one day goes by without him bringing a smile to our face and to our hearts. Pepe is and acts just like a teenager. He is very SMART, very talkative, sometimes NON-STOP and is bilingual in both English and Spanish. Sometimes he get's a bit rebellious and says "What???" and when we repeat what we just told him, he says "Whatever!!!" He LOVES TO SING "Amazing Grace" and a few other songs that he himself has composed! Pepe likes to play with all of his toys, he goes Crazy with his Babble Ball and he absolutely ❤ Loves ❤ To Eat! Pepe has nicknamed Me "Huero" (Pronounced: "Weh-Row") and he calls out to me as soon as we wake up and it gets louder and louder if I don't immediately pick him up. Pepe Loves Me and would be with me 24/7 if he could. Well, that is until our little 8 yr. old nephew Adrian (aka "Baby "B") comes over. Pepe is totally In Love with Baby "B" and follows him around everywhere. He Loves hanging out with him and is content just to be near him, but would rather be touching him. When Baby "B" leaves, Pepe becomes sad and keeps repeating: "Bye-Bye Baby "B", Bye-Bye!" Then after a while he remembers that I'm the one he really Loves!" ~ F. Javier R.
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