Amanda's Cadie, a parakeet, "It's was meant to be.

"My parakeet is my best friend and my little girl. When I first found her, I had gone to the pet store to get a parakeet and as the associate was attempting to catch a bird, one fell out of the cage, booked it down the isle and hid under the bird section. Eventually when one of the birds was in a carrier ready to go, we went to go find the bird that had gotten out. After the guy caught her, I looked at her and realized she was the one for me. That was the day that I took home Caden Delilah. I have 7 animals, and none of them and I as close to as I am to my Cadie. She calls for me when I walk in the door, she sleeps next to me and wakes me up in the morning, she sits on my head and cuddles with me and I hand feed her every day. I love her so much. Unfortunately, due to certain circumstances, I am forced to leave early in the morning and am unable to spend time with her throughout my day and I miss her greatly. I would love a Pak-o-bird so that she can be with me while I am not home. " ... Amanda M.
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