Bethany's Chiquita and Chloe (2006 Winner)

"Chiquita, Doodlebug and Bonbon love to come to the barn with their mommies. We put them in a pen in the middle of the riding arena so they can watch as we ride. They have no idea that they are not as big as the horses!! They also like to do photo shoots in their new outfits. The are definitely the Barn Babes :)" More pictures from Chiquita are shown below. Chiquita was born on May 25, 2004 and loves to get ressed up and model her clothes. When she sees Bethany putting on her shoes, she runs and hops in her Celltei bag - ready to go! Chloe was born on August 18, 2004. She also started modeling at a very young age."
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