Three rescued birds help other homeless animals

"This is a picture of myself, Baby and Trinity. Baby and Trinity are both rescues, as well as our sengal, Simon Peter (he's camera shy and not pictured here). Our parrots go everywhere with us even to help promote my rollerderby team. This picture was snapped during a photoshoot to raise awareness for the plight of homeless animals. As you can see Trinity is missing her chest feathers but she's no less beautiful. She was rescued from an abusive and neglectful situation and suffered folicle damage as a result of self-mutilation, so her feathers will never grow back. However, she is now happy and healthy, thanks in part to the freedom and security her Celltei pack has given her. It allows us to travel as a flock while still providing her sense of security and the ability to stay close to me. We love our birds and we love to travel with them. Trinity has a Celltei pack but Baby and Simon Peter would love to share one of the two seaters! There are so many homeless and special needs birds out there. We really love to take our "kids" with us to help promote adoption and education. They'll even be participating in a program at our local library for National Bird Day in January. (special thanks to J. Alexis Photography for the great pictures!)" .. Autumn H.
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