April's eight Chihuahuas (2008 Winner)

The attached photo is of (left to right): Duke (DOB 8-23-06), Roscoe (DOB 8-23-06), Cerveza (DOB 9-11-06), Calla (DOB 5-12-03), Junior (DOB 5-5-03), Ese (DOB 6-27-00), Jesse (DOB 8-23-06), and Lola (DOB 1-04-02). They are all Chihuahuas. This picture was taken as we were setting up for Ese's Birthday fiesta. Our furry kids have taught us that there is always time for one more pat on the head. They have convinced us that it is always ok to have one more treat as long as you are willing to go on one more walk too. They have shown us that if you give love, you will receive it back three-fold (or, in our case, eight-fold). And, most importantly, that there is always time to sniff and then pee on the roses!"
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